Unicorn HAT HD doesnt work Raspberry Pi 4 8GB using Pi OS Buster 64Bit

Hello Folks!
I have a question.
I transfer my Unicorn HAT HD to Raspberry Pi 4 8GB using Pi OS Buster 64Bit and I got this error:

This hardware is not supported, sorry!
Config files have been left untouched

I used this magical command : curl https://get.pimoroni.com/unicornhathd | bash

It worth to add that It works on Raspberry Pi 4 4GB using Pi OS Buster 32Bit

Any plans to support 64bits ?

Update. while the script display error … everything seems to work if you test it manually

The installer is written for and looks for the 32 bit version of Pi OS. 64 bit hasn’t officially been released yet, as far as I know anyway. I would imagine support will be added when 64 bit becomes an official release.
The “this hardware” message is I believe referring to the Pi not the Hat.