Unicorn HAT Mini without While Loop

I am integrating a Unicorn HAT Mini in to a larger bit of code with timing, audio, buttons etc.

I’m using Twisted for looping calls.

For the Unicorn HAT Mini I’m essentially using this code.

My code

def minuteCheck():
    # Do some stuff once a minute like checking the time and triggering audio and visual items

def screenUpdate():
    # This is the loop where I update the screen. I do a version of the code in the github above. 

    # Setup screen bla bla bla

       for y in range(display_height):
            for x in range(display_width):
                if image.getpixel((x + offset_x, y)) == 255:
                    unicornhatmini.set_pixel(x, y, 255, 255, 255)
                    unicornhatmini.set_pixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0)


# once a minute
    loopMinuteCheck = LoopingCall(minuteCheck)

    # loop every 0.5s to update screen
    loopScreenCheck = LoopingCall(screenUpdate)

    # go!
    logger.debug("Starting Twisted")

This doesn’t work.

The screen update will not work without a While True: surrounding the screen code.

How can I do this screen update and show the text, without using While loops and time.sleeps?