Use a media keyboard with your pHat Beat, can it be done?

Sorted it out, I had to add a delay, 15 seconds seems to work OK
@reboot sleep 15;sudo python3 /home/pi/ &

Something I noticed is when I use the play pause on my remote, the LED matrix freezes with what ever LED’s where on when I pressed the button. Pressing the physical button on the phat beat though and they all turn off. I guess that’s because My remote is talking to VLC Radio and not the phat beat directly?

You’re correct- the play/pause handler in phatbeatd explicitly clears the LEDs, see here:

One solution to this, is to merge your code for controlling via a remote into phatbeatd. It’s not a very straight forward procedure, but it’s certainly possible.

Great, thanks a bunch. I’ll have a go at it, and will post back with my results. =).

I chickened out, for now. I just added
import phatbeat
and the
to my file. Seems to work OK.

I may still have a go at rolling my code into the main file, just not today.

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