Using Adafruit VCNL4020 with a Plasma2040

I have a Plasma2040 that I’d like to pair with a VCNL4020-- and I’d like to use micropython rather than circuitpython to do it. My limited experience shows that micropython is much, much faster than circuit python.

My question is this: how do I install the Adafruit VCNL4020 library on the plasma2040? I have the library on my Mac. Thonny, on the other hand, can’t find the library in PiPy or the micropython-lib. If I try to install from the local computer, Thonny dumps core and crashes.

Thank you!

First off, if it’s not a Micro Python library, it’s not going to work in Micro Python. From my experience anyway. You’ll have to hunt for a Micro python library for it.

Second alternative: install Blinka on the Plasma2040 first. This is a slim translation layer that allows MP to use CP libraries. But I am not sure if this prevents you from using other MP devices/drivers/libraries.

Do you have any test-program that shows your claim of “much much faster”? The core of CP is still MP. New MP-versions are regularly merged into CP. So I doubt that any Python code runs “much much faster” in MP compared to CP, because the Python-VM is essentially the same.