This is what I got wth a uf2 for a Pico 2W.
MicroPython feature/psram-and-wifi, pico2_w v0.0.11 on 2024-11-26; Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W with RP2350
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> help("modules")
__main__ breakout_bh1745 encoder pimoroni_i2c
_asyncio breakout_bme280 errno plasma
_boot breakout_bme68x framebuf platform
_boot_fat breakout_bmp280 gc pngdec
_onewire breakout_dotmatrix gfx_pack qrcode
_rp2 breakout_encoder hashlib random
_thread breakout_encoder_wheel heapq re
_webrepl breakout_icp10125 hub75 requests/__init__
adcfft breakout_ioexpander io rp2
aioble/__init__ breakout_ltr559 jpegdec sdcard
aioble/central breakout_matrix11x7 json select
aioble/client breakout_mics6814 lwip servo
aioble/core breakout_msa301 machine socket
aioble/device breakout_paa5100 math ssl
aioble/l2cap breakout_pmw3901 micropython struct
aioble/peripheral breakout_potentiometer mip/__init__ sys
aioble/security breakout_rgbmatrix5x5 motor time
aioble/server breakout_rtc neopixel tls
array breakout_scd41 network uasyncio
asyncio/__init__ breakout_sgp30 ntptime uctypes
asyncio/core breakout_trackball onewire ulab
asyncio/event breakout_vl53l5cx os urequests
asyncio/funcs builtins picoexplorer version
asyncio/lock cmath picographics vfs
asyncio/stream collections picokeypad webrepl
binascii cppmem picoscroll webrepl_setup
bluetooth cryptolib picounicorn websocket
boot deflate picovector
breakout_as7262 dht pimoroni
breakout_as7343 ds18x20 pimoroni_bus
Plus any modules on the filesystem
Quite a lot to get your head round!
I also find this reference very useful:
Quick reference for the RP2 — MicroPython latest documentation