WIP Tufty2040 thing :)

Making an animation for my LCD con badge (Tufty). :3 The hills have a parallax effect, the fox is running (sprite sheet), the stars twinkle, there are shooting stars (rarely!). I’m now adding a day/night system!

The hills are just quantized sin waves, filled with quads underneath, lol.

It seems to run nice and smooth, looking forward to adding more cool stuff before frame rate takes a hit xD

I had to get creative with the sprite sheet thing, given the 8x8 requirement, so that fox sprite is actually about 6 different sprite draw calls per frame, haha.


How do you nominate a color to be the alpha channel?

Drawing Sprites - Picographics

Argument number 6 – which will be a colour you defined as so:
BLACK = display.create_pen(0, 0, 0)

So for me:

display.sprite(x1, y1, position_x + 0 * 8, position_y, scale, BLACK)

Can you share your full code? Thanks :)

Good luck. I haven’t organised or optimised it yet. :)

# This is a Tufty2040 with VERY limited memory and processing power.
from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_TUFTY_2040
import time
import random
import math

display = PicoGraphics(display=DISPLAY_TUFTY_2040)
WIDTH, HEIGHT = display.get_bounds()

loop_time = 0.01

BLACK = display.create_pen(0, 0, 0)
WHITE = display.create_pen(255, 255, 255)
NAVY_BLUE = display.create_pen(0, 0, 100)
MOON_COLOR = display.create_pen(255, 255, 224)
GREEN = display.create_pen(0, 190, 0)
MED_GREEN = display.create_pen(0, 135, 0)
DARK_GREEN = display.create_pen(0, 65, 0)

hill_height = HEIGHT // 4
hill_frequency = 2 * math.pi / WIDTH * 2.0
x_phase = 0
y_phase = HEIGHT // 2
num_rectangles = 60

def draw_hill(display, hill_height, hill_frequency, x_phase, y_phase, num_rectangles, colour):
    rect_width = WIDTH // num_rectangles
    gap = WIDTH % num_rectangles

    x = 0
    for i in range(num_rectangles):
        extra_gap = 1 if i < gap else 0
        actual_rect_width = rect_width + extra_gap
        y = int(y_phase + hill_height * math.sin(hill_frequency * (x - x_phase)))
        rect_height = HEIGHT - y
        display.rectangle(x, y, actual_rect_width, rect_height)
        x += actual_rect_width

def draw_hills():
    t  = time.ticks_ms()
    t1 = t / 10.0
    t2 = t / 20.0
    t3 = t / 30.0
    draw_hill(display, hill_height * 0.3, hill_frequency * 0.9, x_phase                           - t3, y_phase - 20, num_rectangles, DARK_GREEN)
    draw_hill(display, hill_height * 0.2, hill_frequency * 0.6, x_phase - (WIDTH * 0.3)           - t2, y_phase + 00, num_rectangles, MED_GREEN)
    draw_hill(display, hill_height * 0.1, hill_frequency * 0.4, x_phase - (WIDTH * 0.3 * 2)       - t1, y_phase + 50, num_rectangles, GREEN)

# Stars
stars = [(random.randint(0, WIDTH-1), random.randint(0, (HEIGHT-1) // 2)) for _ in range(NUM_STARS)]
shooting_star_active = False
shooting_star_x = 0
shooting_star_y = 0
shooting_star_vx = 0
shooting_star_vy = 0

def draw_nightsky():
    global shooting_star_active, shooting_star_x, shooting_star_y, shooting_star_vx, shooting_star_vy
    display.rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)

    moon_x, moon_y, moon_radius = WIDTH // 8, HEIGHT // 8, 15
    display.circle(moon_x, moon_y, moon_radius)

    # Draw Stars
    for x, y in stars:
        if random.randint(0, 100) > 5:
            display.circle(x, y, 1)

    if shooting_star_active:
        shooting_star_x += shooting_star_vx
        shooting_star_y += shooting_star_vy

        for i in range(TRAIL_LENGTH):
            display.circle(int(shooting_star_x - i * shooting_star_vx / TRAIL_LENGTH), 
                           int(shooting_star_y - i * shooting_star_vy / TRAIL_LENGTH), 1)
        if shooting_star_x > WIDTH or shooting_star_y > HEIGHT:
            shooting_star_active = False
        if random.randint(0, 1000) > 975:
            shooting_star_active = True
            shooting_star_x, shooting_star_y = random.randint(0, WIDTH//2), random.randint(0, HEIGHT//4)
            angle_deg = random.uniform(-45, 45)
            angle_rad = math.radians(angle_deg)
            speed = random.uniform(20, 30)
            shooting_star_vx = speed * math.cos(angle_rad)
            shooting_star_vy = speed * math.sin(angle_rad)
frame = 0
speed = 70.5
time_per_frame = 1.0 / speed
time_counter = 0.0

def draw_fox(x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, position_x, position_y, scale):
    display.sprite(x1, y1, position_x + 0 * 8,         position_y,             scale, BLACK)
    display.sprite(x2, y1, position_x + 1 * 8 * scale, position_y,             scale, BLACK) 
    display.sprite(x3, y1, position_x + 2 * 8 * scale, position_y,             scale, BLACK)
    display.sprite(x1, y2, position_x + 0 * 8,         position_y + 8 * scale, scale, BLACK) 
    display.sprite(x2, y2, position_x + 1 * 8 * scale, position_y + 8 * scale, scale, BLACK) 
    display.sprite(x3, y2, position_x + 2 * 8 * scale, position_y + 8 * scale, scale, BLACK) 

def draw_running_fox():
    global frame, time_counter
    scale = 4
    position_x = 160
    position_y = 140
    if frame == 0:
        draw_fox(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 1:
        draw_fox(3, 4, 5, 0, 1, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 2:
        draw_fox(6, 7, 8, 0, 1, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 3:
        draw_fox(9, 10, 11, 0, 1, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 4:
        draw_fox(12, 13, 14, 0, 1, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 5:
        draw_fox(0, 1, 2, 2, 3, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 6:
        draw_fox(3, 4, 5, 2, 3, position_x, position_y, scale)
    elif frame == 7:
        draw_fox(6, 7, 8, 2, 3, position_x, position_y, scale)

    time_counter += 0.05
    if time_counter >= time_per_frame:
        frame += 1
        if frame > 7:
            frame = 0
        time_counter -= time_per_frame

while True:


There’s a reason those draw_fox indices are the way they are! We have to draw 6 8x8 sprites per frame:

Credit to hdst at OpenGameArt for the sprites:
hdst fox assets

1 Like

Oh this looks awesome! I love it so much, I have to run this on my badge.

I grabbed your code and it works just fine apart from the fox not rendering. I downloaded the asset and when rendering the sprites its just a box of rainbow pixels.

I then tried converting the image.png to an RGB332 file using the script they provide, but converting image.png to foo.rgb332 seems to have made it 331KB! too big for RAM and it throws an error.

yeah you can’t use that example as its a picture not the actual image for the fox. I made a new sprite from scratch in gimp and downloaded hdst’s asset you linked above. It was fun creating my first sprite! Then it was converted with the conversion utility and the rgb332 file was 16K.
Loaded it up and prayed and TADAAAA. Woooooooooooo it works.

Thanks so much for making this I was looking for something fun to have animation-wise on my badge. I might change out Mr. Foxy for something else like Sonic or Mario.