Adafruit Ultimate GPS Stock issues

Is there any information on if the Adafruit Ultimate GPS will ever come back in stock? I’ve looked on every website I can find but it’s out of stock everywhere. If it will come back in stock, is there any possible time for when it will? I’m specifically talking about the PA1616D version.


Sorry if I shouldn’t be asking this at all, or if I should be asking this on Adafruit.

I’ve a vague memory of one of the semi-recent Desk of Ladyada streams on YouTube mentioning that the chip for that breakout is no longer made. They’ve found a roughly equivalent chip and I think they said they’re working on a breakout for it, but I don’t think the PA1616D or S will be back.

If I get the time I’ll see if I can find that video.

I thought that the replacement was already being used. It says nothing about that on my page - and on the official Adafruit website, it says this:

As of August 2021, the original “Ultimate GPS” module we used was discontinued by the vendor. We found and are using a nearly-identical version of the module - it’s a little taller (4mm) but has the same functionality. The commands for querying the antenna have changed slightly so existing projects may need to update their firmware.

The original links to the PA1616S, and the new one links to the PA1616D. The PA1616D is still in stock at DigiKey and Pi-Hut, as well. I could be mistaken though - these might be just leftover stock, or just incorrect information on the page (as with the Flora version of the GPS).