to alphanumeric!
You had test the breakout garden mini as an alternative to enviro.
I bought
1 breakoutgarden 4xi2c,2xspi
1rv3028 breakout, if i run “” the rv3028 but without vcc it will forget the time!
i had 1 bme280, this is connected with 1 breakoutgarden extender, i can read it.
1 tft lcd 0.96" spi breakout
i will show on the tft temperature,pressure and time
The raspi is headless, i contact with ssh
This is what I do to get my RV3028 fully functional.
Enable i2c via raspberry Pi Configuration
Then install the RV3028 stuff
sudo pip install rv3028
sudo pip3 install rv3028
Run and then from examples folder
Then open a terminal window and run
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
The RV3028 shows up as 52
Then edite the config.txt
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
and add
ctrl x, y, enter
sudo reboot
Then open the terminal window and run
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
The 52 is now UU which means its under system control
Next disable the “fake hwclock” which interferes with the ‘real’ hwclock
sudo apt-get -y remove fake-hwclock
sudo update-rc.d -f fake-hwclock remove
sudo systemctl disable fake-hwclock
Now with the fake-hw clock off, you can start the original ‘hardware clock’ script.
sudo nano /lib/udev/hwclock-set
and comment out these three lines:
so it looks like this
#if [ -e /run/systemd/system ] ; then
#exit 0
Also comment out the two lines
#/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz --badyear
#/sbin/hwclock --rtc=$dev --systz
ctrl x, y, enter
Sync time from Pi to RTC
sudo hwclock -w
sudo hwclock -r
sudo reboot
The example should work with just the display config edit.
# Initialise the LCD
disp = ST7735.ST7735(
There may be a font you need for that one, can’t remember?
If you plug the LCD into the front SPI slot this python file should work.
You’ll need to run the following first though.
sudo pip3 install pytz
sudo pip3 install astral
EDIT: Ops I take that back, you will have to remove the light sensor stuff if you don’t have the LTR559. I do so I left it in.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import time
import numpy
import colorsys
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter
from fonts.ttf import RobotoMedium as UserFont
import ST7735
from bme280 import BME280
from ltr559 import LTR559
import pytz
from pytz import timezone
from astral.geocoder import database, lookup
from astral.sun import sun
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def Shutdown(channel):
os.system("sudo shutdown now -P")
GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.add_event_detect(26, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Shutdown, bouncetime = 2000)
from smbus2 import SMBus
except ImportError:
from smbus import SMBus
def calculate_y_pos(x, centre):
"""Calculates the y-coordinate on a parabolic curve, given x."""
centre = 80
y = 1 / centre * (x - centre) ** 2
return int(y)
def circle_coordinates(x, y, radius):
"""Calculates the bounds of a circle, given centre and radius."""
x1 = x - radius # Left
x2 = x + radius # Right
y1 = y - radius # Bottom
y2 = y + radius # Top
return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
def map_colour(x, centre, start_hue, end_hue, day):
"""Given an x coordinate and a centre point, a start and end hue (in degrees),
and a Boolean for day or night (day is True, night False), calculate a colour
hue representing the 'colour' of that time of day."""
start_hue = start_hue / 360 # Rescale to between 0 and 1
end_hue = end_hue / 360
sat = 1.0
# Dim the brightness as you move from the centre to the edges
val = 1 - (abs(centre - x) / (2 * centre))
# Ramp up towards centre, then back down
if x > centre:
x = (2 * centre) - x
# Calculate the hue
hue = start_hue + ((x / centre) * (end_hue - start_hue))
# At night, move towards purple/blue hues and reverse dimming
if not day:
hue = 1 - hue
val = 1 - val
r, g, b = [int(c * 255) for c in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, val)]
return (r, g, b)
def x_from_sun_moon_time(progress, period, x_range):
"""Recalculate/rescale an amount of progress through a time period."""
x = int((progress / period) * x_range)
return x
def sun_moon_time(city_name, time_zone):
"""Calculate the progress through the current sun/moon period (i.e day or
night) from the last sunrise or sunset, given a datetime object 't'."""
city = lookup(city_name, database())
# Datetime objects for yesterday, today, tomorrow
utc = pytz.utc
utc_dt =
local_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone(time_zone))
today =
yesterday = today - timedelta(1)
tomorrow = today + timedelta(1)
# Sun objects for yesterday, today, tomorrow
sun_yesterday = sun(, date=yesterday)
sun_today = sun(, date=today)
sun_tomorrow = sun(, date=tomorrow)
# Work out sunset yesterday, sunrise/sunset today, and sunrise tomorrow
sunset_yesterday = sun_yesterday["sunset"]
sunrise_today = sun_today["sunrise"]
sunset_today = sun_today["sunset"]
sunrise_tomorrow = sun_tomorrow["sunrise"]
# Work out lengths of day or night period and progress through period
if sunrise_today < local_dt < sunset_today:
day = True
period = sunset_today - sunrise_today
# mid = sunrise_today + (period / 2)
progress = local_dt - sunrise_today
elif local_dt > sunset_today:
day = False
period = sunrise_tomorrow - sunset_today
# mid = sunset_today + (period / 2)
progress = local_dt - sunset_today
day = False
period = sunrise_today - sunset_yesterday
# mid = sunset_yesterday + (period / 2)
progress = local_dt - sunset_yesterday
# Convert time deltas to seconds
progress = progress.total_seconds()
period = period.total_seconds()
return (progress, period, day, local_dt)
def draw_background(progress, period, day):
"""Given an amount of progress through the day or night, draw the
background colour and overlay a blurred sun/moon."""
# x-coordinate for sun/moon
x = x_from_sun_moon_time(progress, period, WIDTH)
# If it's day, then move right to left
if day:
x = WIDTH - x
# Calculate position on sun/moon's curve
centre = WIDTH / 2
y = calculate_y_pos(x, centre)
# Background colour
background = map_colour(x, 80, mid_hue, day_hue, day)
# New image for background colour
img ='RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color=background)
# draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# New image for sun/moon overlay
overlay ='RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
overlay_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay)
# Draw the sun/moon
circle = circle_coordinates(x, y, sun_radius)
overlay_draw.ellipse(circle, fill=(200, 200, 50, opacity))
# Overlay the sun/moon on the background as an alpha matte
composite = Image.alpha_composite(img, overlay).filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur))
return composite
def overlay_text(img, position, text, font, align_right=False, rectangle=False):
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
w, h = font.getsize(text)
if align_right:
x, y = position
x -= w
position = (x, y)
if rectangle:
x += 1
y += 1
position = (x, y)
border = 1
rect = (x - border, y, x + w, y + h + border)
rect_img ='RGBA', (WIDTH, HEIGHT), color=(0, 0, 0, 0))
rect_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(rect_img)
rect_draw.rectangle(rect, (255, 255, 255))
rect_draw.text(position, text, font=font, fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
img = Image.alpha_composite(img, rect_img)
draw.text(position, text, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255))
return img
def analyse_pressure(pressure, t):
global time_vals, pressure_vals, trend
if len(pressure_vals) > num_vals:
pressure_vals = pressure_vals[1:] + [pressure]
time_vals = time_vals[1:] + [t]
# Calculate line of best fit
line = numpy.polyfit(time_vals, pressure_vals, 1, full=True)
# Calculate slope, variance, and confidence
slope = line[0][0]
intercept = line[0][1]
variance = numpy.var(pressure_vals)
residuals = numpy.var([(slope * x + intercept - y) for x, y in zip(time_vals, pressure_vals)])
r_squared = 1 - residuals / variance
# Calculate change in pressure per hour
change_per_hour = slope * 60 * 60
# variance_per_hour = variance * 60 * 60
mean_pressure = numpy.mean(pressure_vals)
# Calculate trend
if r_squared > 0.5:
if change_per_hour > 0.5:
trend = ">"
elif change_per_hour < -0.5:
trend = "<"
elif -0.5 <= change_per_hour <= 0.5:
trend = "-"
if trend != "-":
if abs(change_per_hour) > 3:
trend *= 2
mean_pressure = numpy.mean(pressure_vals)
change_per_hour = 0
trend = "-"
# time.sleep(interval)
return (mean_pressure, change_per_hour, trend)
def describe_pressure(pressure):
"""Convert pressure into barometer-type description."""
if pressure < 970:
description = "storm"
elif 970 <= pressure < 990:
description = "rain"
elif 990 <= pressure < 1010:
description = "change"
elif 1010 <= pressure < 1030:
description = "fair"
elif pressure >= 1030:
description = "dry"
description = ""
return description
def describe_humidity(humidity):
"""Convert relative humidity into good/bad description."""
if 30 < humidity < 60:
description = "good"
description = "bad"
return description
def describe_light(light):
"""Convert light level in lux to descriptive value."""
if light < 50:
description = "dark"
elif 50 <= light < 100:
description = "dim"
elif 100 <= light < 500:
description = "light"
elif light >= 500:
description = "bright"
return description
# Initialise the LCD
disp = ST7735.ST7735(
WIDTH = disp.width
HEIGHT = disp.height
# The city and timezone that you want to display.
city_name = "Halifax"
time_zone = "Canada/Atlantic"
# Values that alter the look of the background
blur = 50
opacity = 125
mid_hue = 0
day_hue = 25
sun_radius = 50
# Fonts
font_sm = ImageFont.truetype(UserFont, 12)
font_lg = ImageFont.truetype(UserFont, 14)
# Margins
margin = 3
# Set up BME280 weather sensor
bus = SMBus(1)
bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=bus)
min_temp = None
max_temp = None
# Set up light sensor
ltr559 = LTR559()
# Pressure variables
pressure_vals = []
time_vals = []
num_vals = 1000
interval = 1
trend = "-"
# Keep track of time elapsed
start_time = time.time()
while True:
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
progress, period, day, local_dt = sun_moon_time(city_name, time_zone)
background = draw_background(progress, period, day)
# Time.
time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
date_string = local_dt.strftime("%B %-d")
time_string = local_dt.strftime("%-I:%M %p")
img = overlay_text(background, (0 + margin, 0 + margin), date_string, font_lg)
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 0 + margin), time_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
# Temperature
temperature = bme280.get_temperature()
if time_elapsed > 30:
if min_temp is not None and max_temp is not None:
if temperature < min_temp:
min_temp = temperature
elif temperature > max_temp:
max_temp = temperature
min_temp = temperature
max_temp = temperature
#temp_string = f"{corr_temperature:.0f}°C"
temp_string = f"{temperature:.0f}°C"
img = overlay_text(img, (68, 18), temp_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
spacing = font_lg.getsize(temp_string)[1] + 1
if min_temp is not None and max_temp is not None:
range_string = f"{min_temp:.0f}-{max_temp:.0f}"
range_string = "------"
img = overlay_text(img, (68, 18 + spacing), range_string, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
temp_icon ="{path}/icons/temperature.png")
img.paste(temp_icon, (margin, 18), mask=temp_icon)
# Humidity
humidity = bme280.get_humidity()
humidity_string = f"{humidity:.0f}%"
img = overlay_text(img, (68, 48), humidity_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
spacing = font_lg.getsize(humidity_string)[1] + 1
humidity_desc = describe_humidity(humidity).upper()
img = overlay_text(img, (68, 48 + spacing), humidity_desc, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
humidity_icon ="{path}/icons/humidity-{humidity_desc.lower()}.png")
img.paste(humidity_icon, (margin, 48), mask=humidity_icon)
# Light
light = ltr559.get_lux()
light_string = f"{int(light):,}"
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 18), light_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
spacing = font_lg.getsize(light_string.replace(",", ""))[1] + 1
light_desc = describe_light(light).upper()
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin - 1, 18 + spacing), light_desc, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
light_icon ="{path}/icons/bulb-{light_desc.lower()}.png")
img.paste(humidity_icon, (80, 18), mask=light_icon)
# Pressure
pressure = bme280.get_pressure()
t = time.time()
mean_pressure, change_per_hour, trend = analyse_pressure(pressure, t)
pressure_string = f"{int(mean_pressure):,} {trend}"
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin, 48), pressure_string, font_lg, align_right=True)
pressure_desc = describe_pressure(mean_pressure).upper()
spacing = font_lg.getsize(pressure_string.replace(",", ""))[1] + 1
img = overlay_text(img, (WIDTH - margin - 1, 48 + spacing), pressure_desc, font_sm, align_right=True, rectangle=True)
pressure_icon ="{path}/icons/weather-{pressure_desc.lower()}.png")
img.paste(pressure_icon, (80, 48), mask=pressure_icon)
# Display image
# sudo pip3 install pytz
# sudo pip3 install astral
# custom breakout garden setup / modification of Enviro code
# last edited on Nov 1 2020
# run sudo crontab -e
# add
# @reboot python3 /home/pi/ &
Hallo alphanumeric,
i have made the changes for the rv3028.
pi@raspberrypi:~/rv3028-python/examples $ python3 - Sets RTC with current time for your system and
enables battery backup to preserve the time when power is off.
Press Ctrl+C to exit.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 15, in
rtc = rv3028.RV3028()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/rv3028-0.0.5-py3.7.egg/rv3028/”, line 254, in init
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/i2cdevice-0.0.7-py3.7.egg/i2cdevice/”, line 230, in get
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/i2cdevice-0.0.7-py3.7.egg/i2cdevice/”, line 183, in read_register
self.values[] = self._i2c_read(register.address, register.bit_width)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/i2cdevice-0.0.7-py3.7.egg/i2cdevice/”, line 288, in _i2c_read
for x in self._i2c.read_i2c_block_data(self._i2c_address, register, bit_width // self._bit_width):
OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy
i want to set time.
Once you add the dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,rv3028
to the config.txt, the set-time and get-time py files won’t work anymore. The UU means its under system control and that blocks access by those python files. I think that’s the error your now getting.
If you change it to #dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,rv3028
and reboot you can run them though. The RV3028 won’t sync the time anymore though until you remove the # and reboot.
It’s a trade off, its why I run the set time get time first thing. It enables the battery and syncs the time and date to it. Once you do the dtoverlay entry you use sudo hwclock -w
and sudo hwclock -r
I meant to mention, if you do a @alphanumeric I’ll get a notification via the forum software that will take me right to the post with the @alphanumeric in it. ;)
I do so. Thank you!
Hello, Kerry,
I bring the code of the Breakout garden into “”.
But I get a error:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 11, in
from fonts.ttf import RobotoMedium as UserFont
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘fonts’
Before I started this software I tried to configure the enviro+ software because I thought the RobotoMedium font is in.
But it also failed.
Run the following from a terminal window, then try it again.
sudo pip3 install fonts
sudo pip3 install font-roboto
You only need to use the @alphanumeric in a new thread that I haven’t yet posted in. One you specifically want me to have a look see at. Once I post to a thread, and I’m following it, I’ll get a notification any time a new post is made, no matter who makes it. ;)
Hallo, Kerry,
I put this code in “”
It is from Breakout garden i2c and spi
I answered you in the thread “breakout”
We’ll figure it out. I got it working, just have to remember how. I usually save this info in a text file for next time. I don’t see said file on my thumb drive so its time to make a new one.