Breakout Garden Mini 1.12" OLED display


I’m having an issue where the Breakout Garden Mini on RPi 3 is not detecting my 1.12" OLED mono display, is there way of working out if the display is faulty? I only received the BGMini today but the SPI OLED display has been sitting sealed in its anti-static bag since Christmas so I haven’t tested it till today, the software picks up the I2C 11x7 matrix but not the OLED so any advice would be appreciated.

Kind Regards

The Breakout Garden Hat installer only looks for and installs i2c devices. It can look for i2c addresses on the i2c bus. It can’t do the same thing for SPI though. You’re going to have to install the software manually for your display. Just run the installer listed on its product page. Also double check that SPI is enabled via Raspberry Pi Configuration, or raspi-config if its Raspbian Lite.

EDIT: It looks like you need to go here for install instructions

Thank you so much for that clear and concise explanation: -

This is what I did, Enabled SPI through the terminal with

sudo raspi-config

Select Interfacing Options > SPI > Enable
Next, I went to this GitHub Page and followed the instructions
Got error

luma.core requires Python ‘>=3.5, <4’ but the running Python is 2.7.16

So I followed instructions at which for me was…

ls /usr/bin/python*


sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.7 1

Finally I ran

sudo python --version

Which gave me Python 3.7.3
Hope this helps anyone in the same situation