I am running a Pi Zero WH with Breakout Garden Mini. OS is a new install of Raspian Buster lite.
I have enabled i2c through raspi-config and downloaded and unziped breakout-garden-master.
When I run the ./install.sh script I get the following error:
ImportError: No module named smbus
Any clues as to the issue?
Thanks in advance,
I have to ask the obvious.
Did you cd breakout-garden-master
before running the install script?
I did.
I think I may have found the issue. The lite version of Raspbian Buster hasn’t got python-pip and python-smbus installed. The below and a restart, got the script running.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt install python-smbus
Ah, nice sleuthing. I usually just install the full Raspbian, the middle sized image. I set everything up from the desktop. Then if its going to run headless, switch it to boot to the command line. Thats just me though, its what works for me. I should be doing more from the command line but if I’m honest I’m lazy and take the easy way out when possible. .
Certainly that would have been easier! I tend to use pi-zero’s headless as it’s quicker to deploy them (until you have issues :-)
Thanks for the quick responses!
Just a minor addition to this:
I installed the two packages listed above but still got the “No module…” error.
This solved it:
curl https://get.pimoroni.com/bme680 | bash
(found in a similar thread right here in this forum)
Thats listed under install instructions on its Python Library page. Which is linked too from its product page. It can be hard to figure out where to go next sometimes.