Breakout Gardener (preview)

Upcoming RTC Breakout -> Link

I knew it was in the works from another source. Just didn’t know how close it was to being released. =)
I have RTC’s in three of my Pi setups at present. The setup is a bit cumbersome. It will be a pretty easy swap for me to switch to these new ones. Hardware wise. Unsolder the old and solder in the new. And change a couple of jumpers on my Proto Hat.

Another breakout I’d like to see is one that gives you the UV Index (calculates it for you ;) ) , and the ambient light level. I currently us an SI1145 for that. I display the UV index on my weather clock and use the ambient light level t adjust the display brightness on the fly.

Keep up the good work Pimoroni, it is well appreciated. =)

…making good progress towards the next major release… 😎

BR//KHH [xoblite]

I broke down and bought a VEML6075 UVA/B Sensor Breakout and a LTR-559 Light & Proximity Sensor Breakout. And one of the RV3028 Real-Time Clock (RTC) Breakout.
Only just in the testing phase, making sure they work.
I scored a couple of the glass strips you use for Microscope slides from my dogs veterinarian. Its fused quartz glass that will not block UV light. Its about as transparent as you can get. Two lengths side by side should do it. I’ll use RTV silicon to hold them in place. Apparently most plastics and glass block UV light.