i’ve just installed a brand new raspberry pi 4 with a breakout garden hat.
i’ve plugged a bme280 breakout.
i’ve installed the needed libraries and i can read the sensor .
pi@raspberrypi:/home/root/Pimoroni/pimoroni-bme280/examples $ sudo python all-values.py
all-values.py - Read temperature, pressure, and humidity
Press Ctrl+C to exit!
22.27C 628.19hPa 60.01%
27.03C 985.16hPa 31.11%
27.04C 985.15hPa 32.85%
27.04C 985.16hPa 33.06%
27.03C 985.13hPa 31.98%
27.04C 985.16hPa 32.28%
27.03*C 985.15hPa 34.94%
but i’m unable to install the breakout garden
pi@raspberrypi : ~/breakout-garden-master $ sudo ./install.sh
Sorry, I couldn’t find any breakouts!
can’t figure what’s going on ( same thing with 2 breakout garden hat and an other raspberrypi4)
did i miss something ?