Can the Clipper LTE 4G send SMS messages with a normal SIM card?

I am interested in making a mains power monitor for an unattended remote site, which occasionally suffers nuisance tripping of an RCD, potentially spoiling the contents of a freezer and affecting other electrical equipment.

A Plasma 2350 with a LiPo battery, kept charged with an Amigo, could log when mains power is lost and send an SMS message via a Clipper 4G LTE for someone to go and restore power. I realise that the SIM card supplied with the Clipper is data only, but would a normal pay-as-you-go card allow SMS messages to be sent?

Has anyone done this, or does it even seem feasible?

I think this should be possible if you have a SIM that can send SMS - there’s some info / code snippets here that might be helpful? Integration with SMS? · Issue #14 · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico-rp2350 · GitHub

Thanks Hel, I missed that. It looks really helpful.