No serial port for clipper hat LTE 4G mini

I’m trying to setup my Clipper Hat LTE 4G mini but get thefollowing error

minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyAMA0
minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyAMA0: No such file or directory

I’ve enabled the serial port in raspi-config and installed minicom as per the docs.
Any ideas?

Search sudo journalctl -b (the system-log) for messages from the clipper, e.g. the serial device it is providing.

Also, check ls -laF /dev/tty*. There are a lot of standard serials in that directory, but you will most likely see something like /dev/ttyA* or /dev/serial*. These are the candidates to test.

Thanks - all sorted. It was /dev/serial0