I’ve been hitting a weird problem controlling the mote directly via a serial port rather than via the python library and I’m wondering if I’m maybe missing something in how the protocol works.
I’ve got mote sticks attached to all 4 channels and send the following to set the pixels on the first channel.
- Configure channel 1 with 16 pixels and no gamma correction
m, o, t, e, c, 1, 16, 0
- Set the pixels on channel 1 to red
m, o, t, e, o, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255
… and so on (0, 0, 255
for all 16 pixels) - I then close the port
Now this is the weird bit, if I open the port again and send the same sequence again the first stick illuminates as before (all red), but the first 2 pixels on the second channel also light up with what looks like white (0,0,0
) and blue(0,0,255
I’m at a bit of a loss as to why this is happening.
You can try this out by running the rgb.go example twice from https://github.com/johnmccabe/mote (I’m porting the python library to go).
Any suggestions?