Hi, I recently purchased a mote phat, soldered the female header on and hooked it all up.
I installed the Pimoroni Dashboard and all went well, grabbed the examples for motephat, worked.
I ran some of them and they seemed okay.
I have the RGB/White sticks… so I wanted to set every other pixel (white) or (rgb) so I did this
#1/usr/bin/env python
import motephat
import time
num_pixels = 16
motephat.configure_channel(1, num_pixels, False)
motephat.configure_channel(2, num_pixels, False)
motephat.configure_channel(3, num_pixels, False)
motephat.configure_channel(4, num_pixels, False)
for channel in range(1, 5):
for pixel in range(num_pixels):
if pixel % 2 == 0:
motephat.set_pixel(channel, pixel, 255, 0, 0)
if pixel % 2 != 0:
motephat.set_pixel(channel, pixel, 255, 255, 255)
Anyway, it’s all wonky and all sorts of colors show up, sometimes a channel will be off, and if I touch the mote phat at all or anything it freaks out and starts shifting colors and pixels on and off. Have I damaged the phat? or is my code all wrong? Please assist.