OK, this took quite awhile, as I was traveling and just got back to the project! If anyone has a suggestion for making this work with Mote, I’d be 1000% appreciative (and maybe will mail you some art)!
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # DotStar Light Painter for Raspberry Pi.
> #
> # Hardware requirements:
> # - Raspberry Pi computer (any model)
> # - DotStar LED strip (any length, but 144 pixel/m is ideal):
> # www.adafruit.com/products/2242
> # - Five momentary pushbuttons for controls, such as:
> # www.adafruit.com/products/1010
> # - One 74AHCT125 logic level shifter IC:
> # www.adafruit.com/products/1787
> # - High-current, high-capacity USB battery bank such as:
> # www.adafruit.com/products/1566
> # - Perma-Proto HAT for Raspberry Pi:
> # www.adafruit.com/products/2310
> # - Various bits and bobs to integrate the above parts. Wire, Perma-Proto
> # PCB, 3D-printed enclosure, etc. Your approach may vary...improvise!
> #
> # Software requirements:
> # - Raspbian (2015-05-05 "Wheezy" version recommended; can work with Jessie
> # or other versions, but Wheezy's a bit smaller and boots to the command
> # line by default).
> # - Adafruit DotStar library for Raspberry Pi:
> # github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_DotStar_Pi
> # - usbmount:
> # sudo apt-get install usbmount
> # See file "99_lightpaint_mount" for add'l info.
> #
> # Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries.
> #
> # Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
> # please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
> # from Adafruit!
> # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import os
> import select
> import signal
> import time
> import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
> #import atexit
> from dotstar import Adafruit_DotStar
> from evdev import InputDevice, ecodes
> from lightpaint import LightPaint
> from PIL import Image
> from mote import Mote
> mote = Mote()
> mote.configure_channel(1, 17, False)
> mote.configure_channel(2, 33, False)
> mote.configure_channel(3, 49, False)
> mote.configure_channel(4, 65, False)
> # CONFIGURABLE STUFF -------------------------------------------------------
> num_leds = 144 # Length of LED strip, in pixels
> pin_go = 22 # GPIO pin numbers (Broadcom numbering) for 'go' button,
> pin_next = 17 # previous image, next image and speed +/-.
> pin_prev = 4
> pin_faster = 23
> pin_slower = 24
> order = 'brg' # 'brg' for current DotStars, 'gbr' for pre-2015 strips
> vflip = 'true' # 'true' if strip input at bottom, else 'false'
> strip = Mote()
> # DotStar strip data & clock MUST connect to hardware SPI pins
> # (GPIO 10 & 11). 12000000 (12 MHz) is the SPI clock rate; this is the
> # fastest I could reliably operate a 288-pixel strip without glitching.
> # You can try faster, or may need to set it lower, no telling.
> # If using older (pre-2015) DotStar strips, declare "order='gbr'" above
> # for correct color order.
> strip = Adafruit_DotStar(num_leds, 12000000, order=order)
> path = '/media/usb' # USB stick mount point
> mousefile = '/dev/input/mouse0' # Mouse device (as positional encoder)
> eventfile = '/dev/input/event0' # Mouse events accumulate here
> dev = None # None unless mouse is detected
> gamma = (2.8, 2.8, 2.8) # Gamma correction curves for R,G,B
> color_balance = (128, 255, 180) # Max brightness for R,G,B (white balance)
> power_settings = (1450, 1550) # Battery avg and peak current
> # INITIALIZATION -----------------------------------------------------------
> # Set control pins to inputs and enable pull-up resistors.
> # Buttons should connect between these pins and ground.
> GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
> GPIO.setup(pin_go , GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
> GPIO.setup(pin_prev , GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
> GPIO.setup(pin_next , GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
> GPIO.setup(pin_slower, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
> GPIO.setup(pin_faster, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
> mote.configure_channel(1, 15, False)
> mote.configure_channel(2, 31, False)
> mote.configure_channel(3, 47, False)
> mote.configure_channel(4, 63, False)
> #strip.begin() # Initialize SPI pins for output
> ledBuf = strip.getPixels() # Pointer to 'raw' LED strip data
> clearBuf = bytearray([0xFF, 0, 0, 0] * num_leds)
> imgNum = 0 # Index of currently-active image
> duration = 2.0 # Image paint time, in seconds
> filename = None # List of image files (nothing loaded yet)
> lightpaint = None # LightPaint object for currently-active image (none yet)
> # If a mouse is plugged in, set up epoll for sensing position
> #if os.path.exists(mousefile):
> # dev = InputDevice(eventfile)
> # # Register mouse descriptor with epoll
> # epoll = select.epoll()
> # epoll.register(dev.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN)
> # print 'Using mouse for positional input'
> # FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------
> # Signal handler when SIGUSR1 is received (USB flash drive mounted,
> # triggered by usbmount and 99_lightpaint_mount script).
> def sigusr1_handler(signum, frame):
> scandir()
> # Ditto for SIGUSR2 (USB drive removed -- clears image file list)
> def sigusr2_handler(signum, frame):
> global filename
> filename = None
> imgNum = 0
> # Current LightPaint object is left resident
> # Scan root folder of USB drive for viable image files.
> def scandir():
> global imgNum, lightpaint, filename
> files = os.listdir(path)
> num_files = len(files) # Total # of files, whether images or not
> filename = [] # Filename list of valid images
> imgNum = 0
> if num_files == 0: return
> for i, f in enumerate(files):
> lower = i * num_leds / num_files
> upper = (i + 1) * num_leds / num_files
> for n in range(lower, upper):
> strip.setPixelColor(n, 0x010100) # Yellow
> strip.show()
> if f[0] == '.': continue
> try: Image.open(os.path.join(path, f))
> except: continue # Is directory or non-image file; skip
> filename.append(f) # Valid image, add to list
> time.sleep(0.05) # Tiny pause so progress bar is visible
> strip.clear()
> strip.show()
> if len(filename) > 0: # Found some image files?
> filename.sort() # Sort list alphabetically
> lightpaint = loadImage(imgNum) # Load first image
> # Load image, do some conversion and processing as needed before painting.
> def loadImage(index):
> num_images = len(filename)
> lower = index * num_leds / num_images
> upper = (index + 1) * num_leds / num_images
> for n in range(lower, upper):
> strip.setPixelColor(n, 0x010000) # Red = loading
> strip.show()
> print "Loading '" + filename[index] + "'..."
> startTime = time.time()
> # Load image, convert to RGB if needed
> img = Image.open(os.path.join(path, filename[index])).convert("RGB")
> print "\t%dx%d pixels" % img.size
> # If necessary, image is vertically scaled to match LED strip.
> # Width is NOT resized, this is on purpose. Pixels need not be
> # square! This makes for higher-resolution painting on the X axis.
> if img.size[1] != num_leds:
> print "\tResizing...",
> img = img.resize((img.size[0], num_leds), Image.BICUBIC)
> print "now %dx%d pixels" % img.size
> # Convert raw RGB pixel data to a string buffer.
> # The C module can easily work with this format.
> pixels = img.tostring()
> print "\t%f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)
> # Do external C processing on image; this provides 16-bit gamma
> # correction, diffusion dithering and brightness adjustment to
> # match power source capabilities.
> for n in range(lower, upper):
> strip.setPixelColor(n, 0x010100) # Yellow
> mote.show()
> print "Processing..."
> startTime = time.time()
> # Pixel buffer, image size, gamma, color balance and power settings
> # are REQUIRED arguments. One or two additional arguments may
> # optionally be specified: "order='gbr'" changes the DotStar LED
> # color component order to be compatible with older strips (same
> # setting needs to be present in the Adafruit_DotStar declaration
> # near the top of this code). "vflip='true'" indicates that the
> # input end of the strip is at the bottom, rather than top (I
> # prefer having the Pi at the bottom as it provides some weight).
> # Returns a LightPaint object which is used later for dithering
> # and display.
> lightpaint = LightPaint(pixels, img.size, gamma, color_balance,
> power_settings, order=order, vflip=vflip)
> print "\t%f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)
> # Success!
> for n in range(lower, upper):
> strip.setPixelColor(n, 0x000100) # Green
> strip.show()
> time.sleep(0.25) # Tiny delay so green 'ready' is visible
> print "Ready!"
> strip.clear()
> strip.show()
> return lightpaint
> def btn():
> if not GPIO.input(pin_go): return 1
> if not GPIO.input(pin_faster): return 2
> if not GPIO.input(pin_slower): return 3
> if not GPIO.input(pin_next): return 4
> if not GPIO.input(pin_prev): return 5
> return 0
> # MAIN LOOP ----------------------------------------------------------------
> # Init some stuff for speed selection...
> max_time = 10.0
> min_time = 0.1
> time_range = (max_time - min_time)
> speed_pixel = int(num_leds * (duration - min_time) / time_range)
> duration = min_time + time_range * speed_pixel / (num_leds - 1)
> prev_btn = 0
> rep_time = 0.2
> scandir() # USB drive might already be inserted
> signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler) # USB mount signal
> signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handler) # USB unmount signal
> try:
> while True:
> b = btn()
> if b == 1 and lightpaint != None:
> # Paint!
> if dev is None: # Time-based
> startTime = time.time()
> while True:
> t1 = time.time()
> elapsed = t1 - startTime
> if elapsed > duration: break
> # dither() function is passed a
> # destination buffer and a float
> # from 0.0 to 1.0 indicating which
> # column of the source image to
> # render. Interpolation happens.
> lightpaint.dither(ledBuf,
> elapsed / duration)
> strip.show(ledBuf)
> else: # Encoder-based
> mousepos = 0
> scale = 0.01 / (speed_pixel + 1)
> while True:
> input = epoll.poll(-1) # Non-blocking
> for i in input: # For each pending...
> try:
> for event in dev.read():
> if(event.type == ecodes.EV_REL and
> event.code == ecodes.REL_X):
> mousepos += event.value
> except:
> # If this occurs, usually power settings
> # are too high for battery source.
> # Voltage sags, Pi loses track of USB device.
> continue
> pos = abs(mousepos) * scale
> if pos > 1.0: break
> lightpaint.dither(ledBuf, pos)
> strip.show(ledBuf)
> if btn() != pin_go: # Button released?
> strip.show(clearBuf)
> elif b == 2:
> # Decrease paint duration
> if speed_pixel > 0:
> speed_pixel -= 1
> duration = (min_time + time_range *
> speed_pixel / (num_leds - 1))
> strip.setPixelColor(speed_pixel, 0x000080)
> strip.show()
> startTime = time.time()
> while (btn() == 2 and ((time.time() - startTime) <
> rep_time)): continue
> strip.clear()
> strip.show()
> elif b == 3:
> # Increase paint duration (up to 10 sec maximum)
> if speed_pixel < num_leds - 1:
> speed_pixel += 1
> duration = (min_time + time_range *
> speed_pixel / (num_leds - 1))
> strip.setPixelColor(speed_pixel, 0x000080)
> strip.show()
> startTime = time.time()
> while (btn() == 3 and ((time.time() - startTime) <
> rep_time)): continue
> strip.clear()
> strip.show()
> elif b == 4 and filename != None:
> # Next image (if USB drive present)
> imgNum += 1
> if imgNum >= len(filename): imgNum = 0
> lightpaint = loadImage(imgNum)
> while btn() == 4: continue
> elif b == 5 and filename != None:
> # Previous image (if USB drive present)
> imgNum -= 1
> if imgNum < 0: imgNum = len(filename) - 1
> lightpaint = loadImage(imgNum)
> while btn() == 5: continue
> if b > 0 and b == prev_btn:
> # If button held, accelerate speed selection
> rep_time *= 0.92
> if rep_time < 0.01: rep_time = 0.01
> else:
> rep_time = 0.2
> prev_btn = b
> except KeyboardInterrupt:
> print "Cleaning up"
> GPIO.cleanup()
> strip.clear()
> strip.show()
> print "Done!"