Hi, is it possible to use the Pimoroni Wireless Pack with RPi pico to create a new wifi network access point for devices to connect to and access data from it? I don’t want to just connect it to some existing network, because I want it to be portable and work without an existing wifi network.
I saw something like this with the pico w, but I would love to do it with regural pico and this wireless pack. Also using micropython/circuitpython is strongly preferable.
Thanks in advance for your tips.
Technically, this is possible. If you use CircuitPython together with the Adafruit_CircuitPython_ESP32SPI-library (GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ESP32SPI: ESP32 as wifi with SPI interface), you should be able to do it (there is a create_ap()
method). But it seems that the Pimoroni libs don’t include the relevant methods, so for their MicroPython, the answer is (as far as I can see) no.
I have found this: MicroPython: ESP32/ESP8266 Access Point (AP) | Random Nerd Tutorials
Is it somehow possible to operate the esp wifi module from rpi pico using this code, rather than running it directly on the esp32?
The code you are linking to is running directly on the esp32. The AP code will always have to run directly on the ESP, since the Pico does not have a network stack.
Depending on what you want to do, it might be better to skip the Pico as a whole. If you just want to setup a webserver that also acts as an AP, then one of the modern ESP32-Sx will do just fine. Since you are already using MicroPython/CircuitPython, this transition should not be a problem (depending on what you do with the Pico).
If you really need the Pico, you must remote-control the ESP32. That is exactly what the Adafruit library does.