Difference Pico/Rasp

I have a sensor which work perfectly with the pico lipo, but crash with the raspi pico and a lots of others boards.
It seems that it due to a difference of stability, probably electronics…

Is there someone who could explain me from where comes this nice difference?
Could add a breakout to have the same result to a raspi pico , a raspi4 or other board?


What do you mean by crash?
One thing that can be annoying, and catch you out is, different RP2040 boards may use different GP Pins for i2c.
Weather it’s Python, Micro Python, or Circuit Python factors into it too.

Which sensor is giving you a problem, how does it ‘crash’ and what are you trying to do with it?

We need more details if we are going to help.

I don’t really need help… It’s just for understand…
I think it can’t be from just a difference of pin…
Maybe from the difference of quality ; I think.
I use micropython.
For example, with the sgp30, in I2C, when the sensor is confronted quickly to hight value of oxyd components (like alcool for example), a lots of board crash.

Ok, so if there isn’t other difference (a timer or something like that…?); for me it seems that the quality of the construction looks clearly better on the pico… No?