I just received my displayotron hat and it’s good so far but I was wondering if it was possible to use external physical buttons instead of the sensitive one. I explain : I’m planning on doing some network music player in a box with only the screen being apparent. The position and the “sensitive” thing of the button is not suited and I like to put them elsewhere.
So is it possible to keep using python library button code with other buttons ? Or should I find another way ?
Unfortunately the library code is very specific to reading the capacative touch chip, so you can’t use it with external buttons. It’s relatively trivial to read a button- wired to any other GPIO pin- though.
Connect a button between any free pin, and Ground.
Set up the pin as an input, with a pull-up, and either read it in a loop, or use RPi.GPIO’s polling:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(<your-pin>, GPIO.OUT, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.input(<your-pin>) # will be 1 for off, 0 for pressed
Then to handle a press:
def handle_button(pin):
print("Button connected to pin {pin} has been pressed!".format(pin=pin))
GPIO.add_event_detect(<your-pin>, GPIO.FALLING, callback=handle_button, bouncetime=200)
( Note: above code was typed from memory, so uh handle with care :D )
I have a similar question. I was hoping that I can “extend” the touch pads with wires and move the actual touch area somewhere else (there seems to be an exposed “hole” near each pad. Is that possible?
You could certainly try- but it’s not something we’ve tested. Unfortunately the datasheets and design guides (for example: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/AppNotes/00001334B.pdf) don’t really go into any detail about how best to accomplish this, either, since they assume all the sensor pads will be routed on a PCB.
The sensor - CAP1166 on Display-o-Tron HAT if I remember correctly- has quite a large allowance for configuration and calibration, however, so you might be able to compensate for extended pads and make them work pretty well. Unfortunately, the datasheet is absolutely immense: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/CAP1166.pdf