I’ve bought the 10m addressable LED Star Wire string and for the life of me I cannot get it to work properly.
The board works fine with a 16LED Neopixel ring. I’ve matched the led number on the scripts and tried the enter the RGB order as well but no luck.
Are there any other code modifications required for these ? I am sure I have wired them correctly. They kinda blink randomly but I cannot get them to play nice.
Thank you.
In my experience, this is a hint to a power problem. Another reason for failure are partly defective NeoPixel. They can disturb the timing on the data-line. Seldom, but it happens.
Thank you for your reply. I’ve tried a better power supply and still the same behavior. I might have a bad string.
Solved with Hel Gibbon’s help. Turns out that the pre soldered extension at the end of the strip had some kind of issue. I’ve cut it and re soldered it and everything works now.
Awesome tech.support.