Duplicate Pi output to Adafruit OLED screen and HDMI monitor

Hi all,

I bought an Adafruit Monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED screen end of 2018 and we successfully managed to output information to it from the Raspberry Pi. (It was like searching for a needle in a haystack trying to use the directories downloaded from Adafruit, but got there in the end). Now I want to duplicate the signal output from the Pi so that what shows on the Adafruit screen is also simultaneously duplicated onto a TV screen via the Pi HDMI port.
If anyone has done this before I’d be immensely grateful for a few pointers…

Is there a raspberry pi command in Python to duplicate screen output to Adafruit and HDMI ?

Fingers crossed ! All and any advice, would be gratefully received.

I’m far from being any kind of expert in this area but I’m thinking that could be tricky to implement.
The signal to the display is I’m thinking SPI or maybe i2c? A link to the display may help. It’s not a simple, send it to HDMI.

Thank you for contributing. I will check this out. I found on the Raspberry Pi website since posting that people have achieved it, but it is fraught with problems/unstable and needs to be a Pi 4 to have any chance. I’ll buy a new Pi and re-post here once I am deeper with my partner into trialling it.
thanks again!