I have just received an Enviro+ and following the “Getting started” instructions. I am using a Pi Zero running Raspbian Jessie. When I try to run the weather.py example I get the following
pi@raspberrypi:~/enviroplus-python/examples $ python weather.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “weather.py”, line 4, in
from bme280 import BME280
ImportError: No module named bme280
Looks like I need to install the bme280 library manually as it does not happen during the install script.
This is really bizarre, since the bme280 library is a dependency of the enviroplus installer… oh dear I wonder if I’ve broken something by having the install_requires in setup.py but also having a setup.cfg
I’ve updated the library’s setup.cfg to - hopefully - prevent this happening. This is what I get for rolling out experimental packaging improvements to a popular new software repository.