Enviro+ PM sensor output

Hi All. Just picked up an Enviro+ to connect to my pi zero and PMS5003 PM sensor. I have all the example programs working fine, but for some reason when running the particulates.py program:

  • The particles per 0.1L shows fine
  • But the PM concentration numbers all constantly 0:

2019-09-24 21:34:37.164 INFO
PM1.0 ug/m3 (ultrafine particles): 0
PM2.5 ug/m3 (combustion particles, organic compounds, metals): 0
PM10 ug/m3 (dust, pollen, mould spores): 0
PM1.0 ug/m3 (atmos env): 0
PM2.5 ug/m3 (atmos env): 0
PM10 ug/m3 (atmos env): 0

0.3um in 0.1L air: 48
0.5um in 0.1L air: 16
1.0um in 0.1L air: 2
2.5um in 0.1L air: 0
5.0um in 0.1L air: 0
10um in 0.1L air: 0

I’ve used this sensor with Arduino projects and was able to get PM concentration levels so that makes it seem like it’s a software issue. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you in advance!

This is what I am seeing at the moment indoors in my lab:


It looks very similar to your readings but it will go to much higher readings of all sizes if I do a stir fry in the kitchen or change the bedding in the bedroom. It is just very low this morning.

Thanks for the reply! Do you have any non-zero values for the PM measurements?

PM1.0 ug/m3 (ultrafine particles): 0
PM2.5 ug/m3 (combustion particles, organic compounds, metals): 0
PM10 ug/m3 (dust, pollen, mould spores): 0
PM1.0 ug/m3 (atmos env): 0
PM2.5 ug/m3 (atmos env): 0
PM10 ug/m3 (atmos env): 0


I don’t display those so I don’t know but I think they had very small values when I originally tested it so I use the counts per 0.1l as they looked more interesting. I think it is hard to get to a micro gram with such small particles. Isn’t 0.3um smaller than the wavelength of light?

Thanks. I moved the unit to a different location and I’m now seeing some results for those parameters, albeit very low (1,2) as you saw as well.

Thanks again!