A limited edition Wednesday show, with one whole day less to wait!
In this action packed episode we took a look at:
a crazy Adafruit pan/tilt multilated action-man project from @arallsopp, see his post here Teaching the adafruit mini Pan-Tilt to sword fight
a Slack controlled Nerf gun, to beat down people who wont stop using /giphy - https://www.bluechilli.com/blog/introducing-the-turret/
a laser-cut ( squee! ) acrylic SMD tape organiser - http://www.voja.rs/PROJECTS/SMDorg/intro.htm
The promising NexDock project on IndieGoGo, a viable replacement to the Atrix Laptop - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/nexdock-turn-your-smartphone-into-a-laptop--2#/
Some of the awful, awful USB hubs we tested! - https://youtu.be/ByofMlNMcuo?t=788
Flotilla! - https://youtu.be/ByofMlNMcuo?t=1086