Thank you for your help. Understood that no INT signal is needed, I now have connected again the BME 280 sensor with SDA and SCL to the SDA and SCL header on the explorer board with a Pi Pico WH.
In Bootloader mode I installed the MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico) kind of Interpreter (with Thonny Tools-Options) after selecting MicroPython family RP2 variant Raspberry Pi.Pico W / Pico WH.
After a successful install I copied and pasted pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/pico_explorer/ at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico · GitHub from Github as mentioned above again and gave it a try.
Then the Thonny message ImportError: no module named ‘breakout_bme280’ was shown.
I think that I have to upload a library with breakout components, but I don’t know what to look for and how to install it.
You’ll need to install our custom version of MicroPython if you want to use our baked-in drivers, you can download it from here: Releases · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico · GitHub
I think you can install it through Thonny too, you just need to select the ‘with Pimoroni libraries’ version :)
I got it now. Initially I had selected the variant “Raspberry Pi.Pico W / Pico WH”. With your advice I scrolled down and found the variant “Raspberry Pi.Pico W / Pico WH (with Pomoroni libraries) with version 1.23.0-1”
and then I uploaded the with the attached picture as the result.
As you may see, the weatherstation program used in this picture is not the same as shown on the display of the picture which is shown at Search - Pimoroni.
But the most important thing is that it works now.
Thank you (all) for your help!