Hello. I’m trying to get the Pico working with BME688 sensor. I’m using Thonny IDE and the Pico is getting picked up. I don’t have breakout garden BTW.
The demo file from Github is throwing error: no modules called ‘picographics’ or ‘breakout_bme68x’. I’m not sure how to proceed.
I’ve flashed the above uf2, downloaded the bme68x file from Github. It has let me open the .py file and save but don’t know how to install the bme folder files.
In Thonny there’s a bme280 pimoroni file in the package installer, but not one for 680. Is it worth trying the 280 one, please?
Unfortunately the L-adapter (and the straight version I think it also comes with) generally need soldered to maintain a good connection, otherwise it might drop in-and-out very often. That might be why you’re getting “breakout not found”.
Also, it’s really hard to see where jumper wires go in photos of breadboards, but it looks like the blue wire goes into the 4th-pin down on the right? That’s the 3v3 enable pin, as far as I know that allows you to disable the 3v3 regulator on the Pico, which you won’t want to do if you want to use the board. You probably want to plug it into one pin down, 3v3 Out, which can supply a small amount of 3v3 power.
(The marking on the BME breakout is 2-6V, as in power it with between 2V and 6V, not 2.6V).
Ah thanks, was wondering about 3V3 EN and had just looked it up. I’ll try soldering when I get to it.
The built-in thermal sensor in the Pico is working fine and generating data.
I’ve been soldering with an iron for ages, yes I’m that old. =)
I just bought a Hot Air Reflow station. Oh boy, do I have a lot of learning to do, to make good use of it. It looks so easy in the videos. I haven’t set anything on fire, so I guess I’m doing OK. =-)
I took a look see at you soldering above. That’s not bad. Might want to check a couple of them though.
What I do is touch the pad with the tip, then make sure its also touching the pin. Wait a second or so so both are hot and put a little solder on. Wait a second or so, then lift the tip up.
What GP are you using in your code, and what GP are you plugged into on the Pico?
As written, the BME68x demo uses GP4 (SDA) and GP5 (SCL)
If you want to use sda: 20, scl: 21.
It’s i2c = PimoroniI2C(**PINS_PICO_EXPLORER)
GP20 is Physical pin 26
GP21 is Physical Pin 27