GFX liquid seems to be leaking inside?

Hi all,

I am totally new to Pico and in general micro-controller side of things. Just got my Pico W and LCD GFX to play with but realised that once power is on the screen would show the following:

I am still learning to import gfx_pack modules etc so didn’t make the code work yet, but want to check if the hardware is expected to be like that before it’s ‘controlled’? Thank you.

may be a transient state caused by pressure during handling. I’ve seen that before on older full size lcds that don’t have a boot refresh. Could also be damaged. Only way to know for sure is to push some images to it. I would suggest a several cycles of all on, then all off pixels (AKA blink the whole screen) to see if it goes away. Should improve fast, if not RMA

Hello, the same thing happens to my GFX pack (most of the times) when it is powered on but no program managing the display is loaded into micropython. My guess is that since the display pins are not initialised the display gets weird inputs somehow. Anyway once a program is loaded everything works as expected so I wouldn’t worry too much (and you could try loading one of the pimoroni example to make sure it’s not a phycal fault in the crystals)