I suspect I received a faulty HyperPixel 4, but I’m looking for confirmation/support on this.
I am getting image ghosting that is bad enough that the retained image appears even if just booting up a Raspberry Pi without a microSD card insertedf.
I have tested it on 2 Raspberry Pi 4’s and one Raspberry Pi 3.
I followed the Pimoroni HyperPixel 4 setup guides:
opened 05:25PM - 11 Apr 22 UTC
:warning: PSA: Make sure you disable i2c, SPI and any other interfaces since the… se will cause a conflict in device-tree with HyperPixel :warning:
:warning: A fresh image is recommended, but otherwise make sure you also disable the `hyperpixel4-init` system service! :warning:
Pi 3B and Pi 4 users running the latest and greatest Raspberry Pi OS should forego our installer and use the instructions below.
> :information_source: If you're tied to an older OS and you want to install the legacy drivers, use:
> `curl -sSL get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel4-legacy | bash`
This new OS can currently be found in Raspberry Pi Imager under "Raspberry Pi OS (Other)"
Once installed you need only one line in `/boot/config.txt`:
* Rectangular: `dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dpi-hyperpixel4`
* Square: `dtoverlay=vc4-kms-dpi-hyperpixel4sq`
You can rotate these in config.txt by adding the `rotate=` parameter, like so:
This supports rotation in console, too, for all you CyberDeck builders!
## HyperPixel 4 Rectangular Rotations
Ensure rotation is set to "Normal" in "Display Configuration"
And that the dtoverlay is in `/boot/config.txt`:
Finally use one of the following `dtparam` lines immediately underneath to set the parameters:
* The default is portrait with header on the right, no extra line needed
* `dtparam=rotate=90,touchscreen-swapped-x-y,touchscreen-inverted-y` - Landscape with header on the bottom
* `dtparam=rotate=180` - Portrait with header on the left
* `dtparam=rotate=270,touchscreen-swapped-x-y,touchscreen-inverted-x` - Landscape with header on the top
## HyperPixel 4 Square Rotations
HyperPixel 4 Square does not correctly swap or invert touch input, so you may want to use the Xorg config method below.
Ensure rotation is set to "Normal" in "Display Configuration"
And that the dtoverlay is in `/boot/config.txt`:
Finally use one of the following `dtparam` lines immediately underneath to set the parameters:
* Default is header on the top
* `dtparam=rotate=90` - Header is on the left (wonky touch, see below)
* `dtparam=rotate=180` - Header *still* on the top (doesn't work? Same as default)
* `dtparam=rotate=270` - Header is on the right (wonky touch, see below)
:warning: The `touchscreen-swapped-x-y` parameter does not seem to work with Square. You may need to use the script below for Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop.
## On the fly rotation
Rotating the display via "Screen Configuration" ("arandr") results in inverted touch input and other weirdness- use the dtoverlay params.
If you want to rotate on the fly you can use the below bash script to rotate either display and persist settings into Xorg configuration files.
:warning: Note: You *must* remove the `rotate=` argument from `/boot/config.txt` for these to make sense.
You can remove the rotation config by deleting the `/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/88-hyperpixel4-touch.conf` and `/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/88-dsi-1-rotate.conf` files.
UTILITY="hyperpixel4-rotate (Rectangular)"
function success() {
echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)$1$(tput sgr0)"
function inform() {
echo -e "$(tput setaf 6)$1$(tput sgr0)"
function warning() {
echo -e "$(tput setaf 1)$1$(tput sgr0)"
function set_xorg_conf {
if [ "$DISPLAY" == "" ]; then
inform "No DISPLAY variable set, trying :0.0"
export DISPLAY=:0.0
inform "Rotating display $1";
xrandr --output DPI-1 --rotate $1
MATRIX="$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 ${10}"
inform "Setting libinput Calibration Matrix: 1 0 0 0 1 0";
xinput set-prop "pointer:$DEVICE" "libinput Calibration Matrix" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
inform "Setting Coordinate Transformation Matrix: $MATRIX";
xinput set-prop "pointer:$DEVICE" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" $MATRIX
inform "Saving xorg touch config to $XORG_TOUCH_CONF_FILE";
sudo tee $XORG_TOUCH_CONF_FILE > /dev/null <<EOF
# Auto generated by $UTILITY, edit with care!
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "HyperPixel4 $DEVICE"
MatchProduct "$DEVICE"
Option "CalibrationMatrix" "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1"
Option "TransformationMatrix" "$MATRIX"
inform "Saving xorg rotate config to $XORG_CONF_FILE";
sudo tee $XORG_CONF_FILE > /dev/null <<EOF
# Auto generated by $UTILITY, edit with care!
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "DPI-1"
Option "Rotate" "$1"
printf "HyperPixel 4: Display & Touch Rotation\n"
printf "This utility requires the Raspberry Pi OS desktop or an *Xorg-based* alternative.\n\n"
grep -e "^dtoverlay=$OVERLAY_S.*" /boot/config.txt > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
grep -e "^dtoverlay=$OVERLAY_R.*" /boot/config.txt > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
warning "Rotation requires hardware support on the Pi 4 or Pi 400"
warning "Ensure your HyperPixel4 is enabled in /boot/config.txt"
printf "\nSquare: dtoverlay=$OVERLAY_S\n"
printf "Rectangular: dtoverlay=$OVERLAY_R\n\n"
exit 1
inform "Detected HyperPixel 4 Rectangular (found \"$OVERLAY_R\" in config.txt)"
DEVICE="Goodix Capacitive TouchScreen"
inform "Detected HyperPixel 4 Square (found \"$OVERLAY_S\" in config.txt)"
set_xorg_conf $ORIENTATION 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1
set_xorg_conf $ORIENTATION 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
set_xorg_conf $ORIENTATION -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1
set_xorg_conf $ORIENTATION 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
printf "Unsupported orientation: $ORIENTATION\n\n";
printf "Usage:\n"
printf " $0 <orientation>\n\n"
printf "Where orientation is one of: left, right, normal, inverted.\n"
exit 1
I’m also getting a rolling scanline effect similar to when you record a CRT monitor.
I’ve also had broken/repeating lines on the screen.
Please see attached photos.
The image with a faint landscape is the ghosting issue.
The second image occurred when I shutdown my Raspberry Pi.
Hopefully getting some confirmation here will help me get this unit replaced with the distributor I purchased it from.
Thank you
Here is the second image showing a weird screen issue that occurred when I shutdown the Raspberry Pi 4 it was connected to
Is it making a good connection with the GPIO header?
I think I’d try it with the Pi outside the case.
Are you unplugging the power supply after shutdown?
Thank you for the reply alphanumeric.
GPIO header is fully inserted. I also tried with another known working GPIO header extender and I’m experiencing the same results.
The first image is the only time it was connected to a Raspbery Pi with a case, and that case bottom doesn’t interfere with the GPIO extender.
That picture was also taken after reconnecting the screen and turning the Raspberry Pi on that morning. The screen had been off and completely disconnected for more than 8 hours.
And, yes, I always unplug the power supply after powering down my Raspberry Pis.
I have a couple power supplies that have a proper power switches that completely disconnects power.
Ok, was just covering the most obvios gotchas.