Hi guys,
I’m using the fantastic Hyperpixel4 with my Retropie and I was wondering if it could be possible to disable the backlight when issued the “shutdown”.
I’m not 100% sure whether the Pi will hold a pin state in shutdown.
Since HyperPixel4 has a pull-up resistor that defaults the backlight to “on” (call it a failsafe if you will) the Pi would have to actively pull the pin down to counter-it.
You could try adding the following to your /boot/config.txt -
I’ve added the dtoverlay string in both config files but when I’m using the HDMI obviously the HyperPixel backlight is still on because it didn’t receive the “shutdown” command. Is there a way I can shutdown the HyperPixel4 or the backlight if I’m using the HDMI output?
Furthermore, is it possible to adjust the brightness, contrast and similar?