I have no idea how to code a badger2040

this may seem pretty simple but i want to make a quiz kind of thing with 3 different choices corresponding to buttons a, b and c that gets questions from a txt and cycles through them in a loop but i have no idea where to start

Have you downloaded thonny yet?

yes i downloaded thonny but have no idea how to use micropython I’ve got the files up and have edited badge.txt but no idea how to make an app

you’ll need to edit main.py. Have you managed to open main.py in thonny from the badger?

yes i have managed to open it but i’m unsure of next steps

Yes, you’ve got to the complicated programming part now I’m afraid.

Can you post the contents of main.py here?

all it says is: import launcher # noqa F401

I suggest that you buy a textbook on Python for microcontrollers and start with something simple. For example: https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/new-book-get-started-with-micropython-on-raspberry-pi-pico/ (free download also available).

And I would suggest that you start with a simple Pico device. The Badger2040 has some added complexities. And the software from Pimoroni tries to make things as simple as possible for users by adding magic sauce. The big drawback: it will stay a mystery for you, you won’t learn anything.

There’s some simple code examples in our Badger Learn Guide that might be helpful?