Inky pHAT Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) price charts

I created a CLI tool to draw candlestick charts on the Inky pHAT.

Basically, you pass as parameter a currency pair (e.g. ‘XXBTZUSD’ for Bitcoin/USD) and it display the price evolution during the last 12 hours. Currently it only fetch data from Kraken API, but any pull request in welcome.

This project is distributed as a Python 3 command line utility. You can test it without the inkyphat module installed using the --output argument which will generate an image file.

usage: [-h] [--pair PAIR] [--flip] [--output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --pair PAIR      currency pair (default: XETHZUSD)
  --flip           rotate the display (default: False)
  --output OUTPUT  save plot as png (default: None)

Final result on the Inky-pHAT

The code is available on GitHub.


Please check my blog post for more informations.

WOW! Very nice work!!


Thank you for the featuring of my project.

I updated the instructions to use a cronjob to refresh the display.