Inventor2040W and VL53L5CX init error

Using VL53L1X via STEMMA QT / Qwiic to Breakout Garden Adapter to a Inventor 2040 W (Pico W Aboard QW/ST connector. I have downloaded the VL53L5CX firmware to the Pico W. Using the example script gives:

RuntimeError: VL53L5CX: init error

Have tried changing i2c address using “PINS_PICO_EXPLORER” but same error.

uf2 version 1.19.18 Pico W with Pimoroni libaries

I don’t think the VL53L5CX drivers will work with a VL53L1X breakout?

VL53L1X is not yet supported in pimoroni-pico, but there’s a forum thread with links to some alternative drivers here that might be worth a look: VL53L1X Distance Sensor on the Pico

Thanks Hel - I should have read the doc better !