I am building a clock using an Interstate75W with a 64x32 LED matrix panel, an RV3028 real time clock breakout and a BME280 environment sensor, which all work fine.
I then bought an LTR-559 light sensor breakout to control brightness of the LEDs, as the web-page description said that Micropython PicoW support was provided.
I was delighted to find that the breakout board included a QWIIC port, which was not apparent from the description, so I connected it to the I75W with a QWIIC cable.
I have an almost identical setup. I75W, RV3028, BME280, LTR-559. My LTR-559 doesn’t have a QWICC connector on it. My 3 breakouts are soldered to a proto board and connected to the I75 via the QWICC connector on this. Breakout Garden to STEMMA QT / Qwiic Adapter (pimoroni.com)
I use the LTR-559 to adjust the brightness of my LED matrix. I display the date time; indoor / outdoor temperature and humidity; and the barometric pressure.
I have a second BME280 using the alternate i2c address that reads the outdoor conditions.
I have a couple of spare LTR-559’s here, non have a QWICC connector on them though?
My two LTR-559s are Pimoroni PIM413, bought from The Pi Hut recently, and they really do have a QWIIC connector on them, though it is not visible on the product description pages on either Pimoroni or Pi Hut websites.
I also used the Pimoroni Breakout Garden to STEMMA QT/Qwiic Adapter on my RV3028, though my BME280 is Adafruit, which conveniently has two Qwiic connectors on it.
I have no doubt that if I ordered an LTR-559 now, it would come with a QWICC connector. I have other breakouts where the QWICC was added. So far, as far as I know, I haven’t had any issues using the QWICC connector on a breakout.
Hi Hel, yes, I am using GP20 and GP21, and it works fine using the Breakout Garden / Qwiic adapter, but it doesn’t work for me using the on-board Qwiic connector, which seems to be a recent addition.
I just tried it again - it works with the cable plugged into the adapter, but not when the same cable is plugged into the Qwiic connector.
Took me a couple of days to get this, but just to let you know I’ve just plugged one of the new LTR-559 breakouts via Qw/ST and it’s not showing up for me either 🤔