Kebow - changing layout files dynamically

Thanks for response .

I can see that writing to the SD card might have problems .
( but I’m pleased that changing files dynamically might be possible.

I see that KeyBow could be useful if you could load individual layout files for didfferent applications – python, GIMP, games etc. . It isn’t feasible to remove and re-program the microSD card for this, but it could work if one could load a collection of layout files and then choose which one to use .

(I’ve already found that repeatedly removing, editing and replacing the MicroSD card is fiddly and I feel that it may damage the contacts on the Pi if you are not careful. The process also seems to be bit hit and miss (KeyBow Lights up but no inputs) )

If two extra functions were provided it could solve most of the problems:
a. Replace current layout file with new_layout_file and reload.
b. Add ‘long press’ option (maybe on the key_01 ‘long period?’) which could automatically load a alternative Keys file (which could be edited by the user).

The long press is used to reboot my favourite MP3 player – Sansa Clip Zip.

Thanks again