Keybow 2040 seemingly borked

Keybow 2040 initially seemed fine, was able to get setup and try example LED code. LED code worked great, but no keypresses registered. Tried code for keymap, no keypresses worked. Followed steps to clear out and start fresh. After this, got errors for adding files in RPI mode or in CIRCUITPY mode. Tried unplugging and replugging. Currently: holding bootsel while plugging causes nothing to mount. Holding bootsel and tapping reset while in CIRCUITPY mode causes drive to unmount and then nothing. Cannot add new files (claims it is out of space).

Might want to flash nuke it and start over.
It will erase everything and give you a blank slate to start off with.
Raspberry Pi Documentation - Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W

To do that, I need to load it in RPI mode, right? It won’t do that anymore, unless there’s another way I don’t know about.

Yes, it needs to be in Boot Mode. I somehow missed that it won’t do that now. Are you using a Windows PC? If yes do you get any error messages when you Plug it in, in boot mode?

I’m using a Macbook Pro with the M1 chip, I don’t get any message at all

Ok, on my Windows PC I usually get a device descriptor failed message when a Pico isn’t seen in boot mode. Ironically, it’s usually caused by my RGB Keypad that’s running Circuit Python. If I unplug it, boot mode works on a PICO I’m trying to flash.
If you have anything else Pico / RP2040 plugged into USB, I would unplug them, and try again.

Some progress, was able to mount as RPI, but unable to drag in flash nuke file - error message as follows:

The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 100093).

At the risk of asking the obvious - have you tried a different cable and/or port? USB cables are made of tissue and love to half-break…

I’ll give it a go, but this cable works with other things. I was hoping someone might know the error code.

A very casual googling of “error code 100093” suggests it’s Apple being Apple; try copying from a terminal instead of dragging.

(it sounds like in theory at least some of the problems have been addressed in later OS updates so if you haven’t updated lately, give it a try?)