Been doing some testing with 16MB Pimoroni Pico Lipo board and low power states.
What I’ve found is all the current (up to 1.19.11) Pimoroni rolled Micropython UF2s - excluding the Pico W version - don’t properly execute the machine.lightsleep(time_ms). They do sleep for the right amount of time, but the current draw with only a battery connected should drop to ~1.4mA, but stays instead at ~22mA
If I try this on the 16MB Pico Lipo using the Pico W UF2 it does work, but I don’t see the bigger flash used by LittleFS as the standard Pico W expects a 2MB flash.
Any one else seen this, or similar results, and any forecasts for a fix?
Here’s some code to demonstrate:
import time
import machine
led = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT)
while True:
This should loop, powering down for 3 seconds with the LED off, and then software sleep for 3 seconds with the LED.
The vanilla Micropython Pico UF2 does work, but I need the Pimoroni flavour with built-in Picographics to support an Inky Pack ePaper display, and want all of the 16MB for record storage.
Currently I’m using the Pimoroni Pico W UF2 for the low power and Inky to work, and stuck with the smaller file system size.
Very happy with everything otherwise!