I’ve just bought some additional mics6814 breakouts. The old ones show as address 0x19 when running i2cdetect; the new ones show as 0x18, which is causing the python library to fail. I’ve been able to work around this by calling MICS6814(0x18) instead of MICS6814() but was wondering whether this is intentional?
Sadly not, some of these escaped into the wild programmed with the wrong I2C address 😿 Did you buy these ones direct from us (if so, can you let me know the batch number on the outside of the packaging?)
It’s easy to change the I2C address of Nuvoton based breakouts if you have a Raspberry Pi handy though, you can do:
i2cset -y 1 0x18 0xFE 0x10
i2cset -y 1 0x18 0xFD 0x19
(where 0x18 is the existing address and 0x19 is the address you want to change it to).
Thanks, I’ll give that a go tomorrow, and see if I can find the batch number.
FYI I ordered one of these on Monday (06-11-23), and it arrived with i2c address 0x18.
No word of the possible mix-up on the item page (please add something there or the github page); two reviews mention a possible issue but no hint of solution
Lost 2 hours of the evening searching for the issue, sad times, especially as it took 3 days to arrive first class post
Sorry to hear that - did you buy this one direct from us? (if so, can you let me know the batch number on the packaging) I thought we’d reflashed all our current breakouts to have the correct address…
Sorry to hear it took a while to arrive also, I think there’s quite a few postal delays around at the moment.
Hi Hel,
sorry, I didn’t keep hold of the packaging, it was order #PI667689 if that helps?
No worries on the delay, I was just surprised; usually pimoroni arrive before it’s posted :D