I connected up a sparkfun MPU9250 breakout board to a Raspberry pi zero I2C bus and ran an Invensense self-test routine. The results indicate that the MPU9250 chip on the breakout board test results are not within the threshold levels to pass the self test routine. The test results:
Starting MPU6500 HWST!
Retrieving Biases
Starting Bias Loop Reads
Samples: 200
Accel offset data HWST bit=0: 0.1714 -0.0082 -0.8054
Gyro offset data HWST bit=0: -6.2532 -1.7453 -8.7000
Retrieving ST Biases
Starting Bias Loop Reads
Samples: 200
Accel offset data HWST bit=1: 0.2797 0.1369 -0.7094
Gyro offset data HWST bit=1: 13.5138 30.4868 35.4224
Accel OTP:98, 99, 118
Bias_Shift=7100.0000, Bias_Reg=11232.0000, Bias_HWST=18332.0000
OTP value: 27512.0000
ratio=-0.7419, threshold= 0.5000
ACCEL Fail Axis = 0
Bias_Shift=9514.0000, Bias_Reg=-539.0000, Bias_HWST=8975.0000
OTP value: 27784.0000
ratio=-0.6576, threshold= 0.5000
ACCEL Fail Axis = 1
Bias_Shift=6295.0000, Bias_Reg=-52783.0000, Bias_HWST=-46488.0000
OTP value: 33568.0000
ratio=-0.8125, threshold= 0.5000
ACCEL Fail Axis = 2
Accel Self Test Results: 7
Gyro OTP:184, 194, 225
Bias_Shift=1295448.0000, Bias_Reg=-409810.0000, Bias_HWST=885638.0000
OTP value: 8096447.5000
ratio= 0.1600, threshold= 0.5000
Gyro Fail Axis = 0
Bias_Shift=2112362.0000, Bias_Reg=-114377.0000, Bias_HWST=1997985.0000
OTP value: 8943913.0000
ratio= 0.2362, threshold= 0.5000
Gyro Fail Axis = 1
Bias_Shift=2891605.0000, Bias_Reg=-570163.0000, Bias_HWST=2321442.0000
OTP value: 12175688.0000
ratio= 0.2375, threshold= 0.5000
Gyro Fail Axis = 2
Gyro Self Test Results: 7
Compass Self Test Results: 7
Exiting HWST
run_self_test result=0
Gyro failed.
Accel failed.
Compass failed.
Can anyone please advise what may be wrong?