I recently took delivery of the Pirate Radio kit and had a lot of fun making it into an Airplay Speaker using the awesome tutorial written by the Pimoroni Crew! However… I had other plans!
My kid loves his music and often hogs our TV watching his favourite songs on YouTube so I decided to turn my Pirate Radio into a Pirate Jukebox! I’ve written a simple Python script based on the examples in the Phat Beat library to play a random song from a directory of MP3s.
I have most of the buttons functioning: the FFWD button plays a random song, PLAY/PAUSE pauses the song, RRWD goes back to the start of the song and the volume buttons do the expected job. Not using the power button right now (mostly because it’s not really accessible on the Pirate Radio kit)
Quick demo video here (sorry for the crappy filter, my kid insisted)
If you want to make something similar, I’ve uploaded the code to Github here:
I’m a very amateur Python dev and have hacked this together but it seems to work pretty reliably. Feel free to make suggestions or submit pull requests on Github with improvements!