Hi, I’ve learned the hard way that plugging a small amplifier into the headphone jack and playing an MP3 picks up a huge amount of RF noise from my robot and also just sounds terrible (it’s a headphone jack so it doesn’t have the right impedance, I clearly need a line out). I’m thinking of buying a Pirate Audio: Line-out for Raspberry Pi and plugging its output into the Adafruit 2.5W mono amplifier I’ve already got. So, two questions:
I could certainly use the Pirate Audio as intended as a media player but I’m wondering if there’s some way to simply play an existing mp3 file, called from a Python program. I’m interested in having my robot make high quality sounds. I couldn’t find anything in the github examples except code to control the display. Is there anything in Python to send an mp3 to the output, and control its volume and playback? Or is the only way to use Mopidy’s UI?
if my Adafruit amp is monophonic (and I only have one small speaker on my robot), is there an safe way to get the stereo output on the Pirate Audio into the mono inputs of the amp, or should I just mix down all of my MP3s to use just
one of the two channels? (i.e,. cheat).