Very smart looking board and the display works well, but I can’t can’t get any sound from the speakers - what am I doing wrong?
Tested on a RaspPi W with recent Raspbian (2019-09-26-raspbian-buster.img), and an earlier Raspbian (2019-06-20-raspbian-buster-full.img)
I can start a local MP3 file playing via Iris and the Pirate Audio display shows progress and responds to buttons (which sync with Iris and vice-versa). No sound with streaming radio (via M3U) or Spotify either.
Tested with COM1601 mini speakers & Adafruit 3" speakers - both of which work on the HiFiBerry Pi Zero MiniAMP.
“sudo systemctl status mopidy” gives info while MP3 is “playing” without sound.
- Mixer volume set to 40
- Starting Mopidy audio
- Starting Mopidy backends: StreamBackend, M3UBackend, FileBackend
- Audio output set to “alsasink”
- Starting Mopidy core
- Starting Mopidy frontends: RaspberryGPIOFrontend, PiDiFrontend, IrisFrontend, MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
- Starting Iris 3.42.2
- MPD server running at [::ffff:]:6600
- HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
- Starting GLib mainloop