Official Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply -- Raspberry Pi Model B


I am wondering whether the “Official Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply” ( will work with a " Raspberry Pi Model B"?

I would like to have an idea before buying.

Many thanks!

It should work with any and all Pi’s as far as I know. The current rating is an “up to” that amount in case you didn’t know. It will only supply what current the Pi wants or needs, up to a maximum of 2.5A.

Thanks for your answer, very much appreciated.

No problem. Just curious, by “model B” do you mean an actual Model B, or is it maybe a 2B or 3B?

As far as I know, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B upwards has the new power supply, under that is the old. new update Look here - this is the raspberry pi official documentation on it!

Only the Pi 4 uses the new USB C 3A power supply.
All other Pi’s use the older Micro USB 2.5A power supply.
The only oddball is the compute module. What power supply is used depends on what daughter board you use with it.
You bumped a two year old thread by the way.