Pan Tilt Hat Motion Eye OS action buttons

I’m not sure what is going on? I’m running Motion Eye on a Pi 3A+ which should be more than capable.

What I’m seeing now, is when I click a button, the pan tilt moves, but doesn’t move all the way to where I want it to go? How is that possible? If I keep clicking the button it will stutter over and eventually stop at the correct position?
I didn’t have this issue when testing it in Raspbian. It did the one quick move to the desired position I had in my python code. I used this code

from picamera import PiCamera
from time import sleep
import pantilthat


camera = PiCamera()
camera.rotation = 180
camera.resolution = (1280, 720)


I just kept changing the Pan(0) and Tilt(0) values and rerunning the file. It moves to where to set it and gives a 10 second preview of what its looking at. When I found the position I wanted I just wrote down the values. Quick fluid moves. Same power supply used for both Raspbian and Motion Eye?

EDIT: Fixed it I edited each of my py files and added
from time import sleep at the top, and sleep(10) as the last line.
Now it’s just one click and it goes where I told it too. =)