This is my first project, apologies in advance for lack of knowledge.
I recently bought the pimoroni pirate radio kit. This was the solderless kit that came with a pi zero w 2. I know that the VLC internet radio code works best with strech OS, but this is incompatible with the zero 2 as I’m sure is known.
I’ve decided to use the buster OS, but despite two fresh flashes of the SD card the buttons on the phatbeat don’t respond at all. The speaker and web player work fine, as I type this the radio is playing. I have tried doing the troubleshoot script with:
bash ~/Pimoroni/phatbeat/test/
and I get the following:
testing audio
speaker-test 1.1.8
Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
WAV file(s)
Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy
testing basic wav playback
aplay: main:828: audio open error: Device or resource busy
testing gpio control...
press all buttons along the side of the pHAT...
press the power button on the pHAT to exit...
testing VU meter
python: can't open file './': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I tried as best I can to check if this file exists and here is the directory
pi@raspberrypi:~/Pimoroni/phatbeat/test $ ls
test.m4a test.mp3 test.wav
I am at a loss about what is going on and how to fix it. I’ve gotten familiar with some basic commands which is nice, but would love to get this guy working 100%
Happy to post more, just tell me the line of code I need to give you the output you want!
Buster, or Buster (Legacy), I ask because there is a difference.
All the images, old and new, can be found here. Index of /raspbian/images (
And I would think, to run the test, you don’t want the Pirate Radio software “running” and playing music in the background. Not sure if that’s what’s going on, but worth thinking about.
Maybe even go back as far as Jessie. The last time I redid my pirate radio from scratch was years ago. Mine is likely running Jessie. The non Legacy Buster I would think should also work.
I’ll have to go and look at the install instructions etc, and get back to you on what you may have to do to run the test file. Might be a service you have to stop.
Some updates. I managed to get the buttons to work by installing the buster image from 2021-05-07. But this also ended up breaking the VU meter, which was working on buster legacy.
I believe all these issues are due to the fact that this new kit ships with a Pi Zero W 2. Someone should know this kit isn’t working natively with that hardware :(
here is the output now:
testing audio
speaker-test 1.1.8
Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
WAV file(s)
Rate set to 48000Hz (requested 48000Hz)
Buffer size range from 96 to 1048576
Period size range from 32 to 349526
Using max buffer size 1048576
Periods = 4
was set period_size = 262144
was set buffer_size = 1048576
0 - Front Left
1 - Front Right
Time per period = 3.108896
testing basic wav playback
./test.wav: No such file or directory
testing gpio control...
press all buttons along the side of the pHAT...
press the power button on the pHAT to exit...
testing VU meter
python: can't open file './': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I bought mine way back when the pHat Beat was first released. I didn’t get the kit, just the pHat Beat and built my own case for it. Pi Zero W here.
Bummer having all these issues. If the VU Meter did work, but now doesn’t, that sounds (no pun intended) like its still a software issue. If you have a spare Zero W, no harm in swapping it in for testing though.
You can contact Pimoroni support via e-mail, I’d put a link to this thread in the e-mail. Contact Us for Raspberry Pi Technical Support - Pimoroni