Hi there,
i recently got a used pirate radio kit (even stereo, yay!) with a phat beat. But i can’t get any sound out of it. I tried it with two different RasPi Zeros, Raspbian buster and strech lite, even got a second phat beat unit from someone. Whatever I did: Neither sound nor the LEDs worked. One time i heard some faint cracking but no music.
I know the phat beat isn’t continued. But the tutorials are still online so i thought the software should still work.
Soldering on both phat beat units looks OK. Previous owners claimed that the HATs worked for them.
I tried the internet radio tutorial. RasPi Zero boots up fine. Wifi is connected. I ran “sudo apt get update” and “full-upgrade”. I can even open the web interface of the vlcd web radio and it says it’s playing. But whatever i do, whitchever button i press (both physically and in the web interface): No sound, no LED.
Can someone suggest what i can try to get the phat beats to work?
I’d like to build a multi-room speaker (squeeze / lms). But first i have to get any sound out of that thing…