Yes, it is an old example. It was what I found doing a quick look see on GitHub.
This code from that other thread worked.
import network
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
networks = wlan.scan()
print("{} networks found:\n".format(len(networks)))
print ("{:<64} {:<8} {:<6})".format('ssid', 'channel', 'rssi'))
for net in networks:
print ("{:<64} {:<8} {:<6}".format(net[0].decode(), net[2], net[3]))
It only found 2 networks but it worked.
@hel , Thanks for that. I did do a quick search but missed that. My brain is in a fog as I’m rather sick with Covid. I’m stuck in the house and bored out of my mind. I figured I have a go at tinkering with my new toy. Thanks again. =)