It’s not my code,
Pico W Scan Networks, looking for Micro Python code - Support - Pimoroni Buccaneers
I have a couple of WIFI packs. I haven’t done anything with them other than run the demo to make sure they were functional. I had pin conflicts with other hardware I wanted to use with them so put them aside. The Pico W is the planed replacement as its WIFI module is wired up internally. That’s the plan anyway. I’m going to try and do some tinkering with my Pico W’s over the weekend. The above code was for doing a quick test of the WIFI part.
The WIFI Pack library is likely included in the Pico uf2, but then you likely won’t have the Pico W library? Starting a new thread with more detailed info on what your trying to accomplish may be the way to go. You’ll get more views based on the thread title.