Is there a way to determine the version of the installed pimoroni_pico MicroPython variant? If that is not possible, I request to support such a feature. That way an IDE like my ‘eric-ide’ ( could check the installed and the one available on Github and potentially inform the user about the availability of an update.
Not to worry, I had a bunch of things (distractions) happening around me. I just did a quick clip and past, and post, before heading out the door on errands.
You can make a reasonable guess from the build date in the version information there (in the example above, 2023-01-16 lines up with the release date of v1.19.12) but that is … suboptimal for sure.
My code checks the tag of the latest release available on Github (doing a head request to ‘latest’). That means, I don’t have the date information of the release available. Having the version info somewhere in the .uf2 image would be the preferred solution. That could even be a text file containing the data (like CircuitPython boot_out.txt).
Surely pulling the latest from git is (virtually) always going to be running ahead of actual releases?
I mean you could probably work around it buy pulling release data and parsing that but yeah, it’s clunky and would make more sense to be available in the firmware itself.
I wouldn’t be a fan of a text file (because that could easily get disconnected from the actual firmware); this probably makes more sense as an issue though.