I’ve had a PiHub for a couple years now, and it’s worked great - until now!
I’m using it with a Pi3 and a USB HDD, with no other hardware, but during the early hours of this morning, I got an alert that my website was down, and when I checked, there was no led’s lit on the pi, and no HDD activity.
I pulled the round power plug from the hub, and measured 5.2V across the centre pin and outer.
I then disconnected cables, and removed the hub case, and with the power plug inserted again, I couldn’t measure any voltage across the power input socket on the reverse of the PCB, except a regular voltage pulse every second or so. Could this be some safety measure shutting down/starting up the power supply??
I’ve just retried the hub again, and now for some unknown reason, it’s back working again!!
I’ve lost a bit of confidence now, as it runs 24/7 and also when we are away from home, so a little apprehensive that the problem should re-occur, or cause other damage.
Any help/advise would be appreciated.